taking-off soon...
March 25, 2024

Launch of the FlyviewForGood impact and culture program for a more accessible world

The first edition of FlyviewForGood will welcome over 200 young people from associations and equal opportunity foundations from January 20 to 25, 2024.

Flyview, a place dedicated to the discovery of France and the world through virtual visits of historic monuments seen from the sky, is joining forces with the values of International Education Day and is committed to awakening and raising awareness among young people from all horizons by organizing an impact and culture program.

This program, which combines culture, technological innovation and entertainment, invites young people from associations and foundations to fly over secret Paris and the pyramids in virtual reality with a jetpack, accompanied by expert mediators and the film's directors or producers.


To celebrate and close this incredible week of sharing and discovery, the first #FlyviewForGood evening is organized on Friday, January 26, 2024 to benefit the Associations Entraide Scolaire Amicale, Télémaque and the Fondation Le Refuge pour l'égalité des chances with a charity live stream on Twitch from 6pm.

Content creators, streamers, artists, young people and association volunteers will all be gathered at Flyview to raise the donation meter as high as possible. The program includes video games, music, cooking, dance, graffiti, talks and crazy challenges... Florian Onair, Adrigeek, Jules Thiébaut, Les secrets de Muriel, Bysankah, Fosr, Bruno Graffer, Ouestled, Eddie CuDi, Wiizmane, Pariente Oren, Louisa Gadamy, Nade, Ayoub Assaadi, Kauzette, Yevon, Brigitte Lecordier, Skuniz, La Babarbe, Ben, Eve Pamba, WIG France, Shakaam , Botch, Orehus and many others invite you to join us on Twitch on Friday, January 26 from 6:00 p.m. for 6 hours of streaming in all its forms.

Flyview is committed to donating the profits from its ticket sales linked to the FlyviewForGood special operation to associations and foundations on tickets sold from January 20 to February 20, 2024. Donations and profits from the special FlyviewForGood operation will be donated in three equal parts to the associations Entraide Scolaire Amicale, Télémaque and the Fondation Le Refuge.

About #FlyviewForGood values

For cultural transmission: raising young people's awareness of world heritage means passing on the cultural legacy to future generations so that it can be better preserved.

For creativity: heritage is an infinite source of inspiration for young artists, writers, filmmakers and other creators.

Respect for diversity : raising young people's awareness of the world's diversity fosters respect and tolerance for all cultures.

Associations and Foundations honored for equal opportunity

Aurore was founded in 1871. Every year, the association welcomes and helps nearly 40,000 people in precarious or excluded situations to become self-sufficient, through accommodation, care and professional integration. Recognized as a charitable organization since 1875, Aurore employs over 2,000 people in 240 structures. https://aurore.asso.fr/

L'Entraide Scolaire Amicale (E.S.A) is an association recognized as being in the public interest, approved as an educational association complementary to public education and labeled Ideas. Since 1969, Entraide Scolaire Amicale (E.S.A) has been helping children to succeed, based on the principle that all children are entitled to the same opportunities. Thanks to its

With more than 3,500 volunteers, it offers comprehensive, individualized support to children whose parents are unable to help them, or have them helped, due to lack of knowledge and financial resources. It currently supports 4260 children from CP to Terminale throughout France. https://www.entraidescolaireamicale.org/

The Le Refuge Foundation is a French foundation with state approval, dedicated to providing temporary accommodation and social, medical, psychological and legal support for young LGBT+ people who are victims of homophobia and transphobia, including within their own families. Because they are LGBT+, thousands of young people of all origins and social backgrounds experience the tragedy of family rejection every year. It was to save these damaged lives that Le Refuge was created 20 years ago. With its teams of employees and volunteers, the Fondation Le Refuge, which is recognized as a public interest organization, provides shelter and support for young LGBT+ people aged 14 to 25, who are victims of homophobia or transphobia and are experiencing family breakdown, to help them rebuild their lives emotionally and materially. https://le-refuge. org/

Télémaque, created in 2005 in partnership with the French Ministry of Education, is helping to revive France's social ladder by supporting young people from disadvantaged areas who want to succeed but lack the means to do so. Télémaque encourages motivated middle and high school students and apprentices to play an active role in their future, thanks to a double mentoring program. https://www.telemaque.org/

Information & Contact

FlyView Paris

30 rue du 4 Septembre 75002 PARIS


Sophie Lemonde


06 78 94 54 36




Twitch channel for the main live event on January 26 6:00 pm - Midnight : FlyView_Paris

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